The Ministerial Institute of the Holy Spirit, IMES, is a training center with the Word of God that develops adult, youth and children leaders who serve and bring to their communities progress and transformation through the principles of the kingdom of God.

The process of leadership formation at IMES begins with your commitment as a member of the Church.


To transform the community through lives that bear the presence of God and the experience of the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.


To provide a Christian formation process to develop mature leaders with the character of Christ who serve and bring to the community progress, change and better quality of life through the foundations and principles of the kingdom.


The purposes of God’s call are specific to the life of each believer, being necessary that he/she can recognize and respect the anointing, the move and the voice of the Holy Spirit, knowing how to identify his/her place and function within his/her local church and the body of Christ, as God has intended (1 Corinthians 12:18).

Legal Framework

IMES was founded in 1985 as a ministerial training institute and since that year to date has awarded more than 400 Christian Worker diplomas.

The Christian Community of Faith Church, Cali, with special legal status of the Ministry of Interior and Justice No 2121 of October 17, 1997, extends this legal coverage to IMES in use of the right of religious freedom statutory law 133 of 1994 article 7, numeral d.

IMES Philosophy and Methodology

  • Establishes doctrinal unity in the formation of leadership for local churches.
  • Gives prophetic apostolic impartation within its teachings.
  • Uses materials based on biblical principles, written with charismatic emphasis (the moving, guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit).
  • Offers articulated modular programs for just-in-time leadership development in the local church.
  • Develops and activates skills for ministry in the church and in the workplace.
  • Provides mentoring accompaniment on the field: cell groups, support ministries, mission trips and new church planting.
  • Provides programs to homologate, validate and level with institutions.
  • Endorsed by the Federation of Christian Community of Faith Churches Mission South America for the issuance of ministerial credentials within their organization.

Aimed at

Members of Comunidad Cristiana de Fe, Misión Suramérica and other churches (as long as they have the written permission of their pastor, leader or spiritual authority).


IMES offers the degree of:

  1. Christian Worker I Program with Emphasis in Evangelism and Discipleship.
  2. Christian Worker II Program with Emphasis in Ministerial Development
  3. Bachelor’s Degree in Theological and Pastoral Studies


Classroom and soon virtual.

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