Hours and location


FAMILY MEETINGS:  Every DSunday at 9:00 a.m. we have the joy of meeting to express our love to God and share together.

CHILDREN: At the same time, on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. the children have their space to know and worship God in the Children’s Church.

YOUTH: On Saturdays, at 7:00 p.m. the youth community of our church meets: Conexión City.

CONNECT GROUPS: On weekdays, at different times and in the homes of members of our congregation meet the connection groups where you can learn more about God and connect with Him; connect with other Christians and make friends; connect with the church and find your place in it; connect with the world and bring the love of God to your community and close ones. 

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Si quieres asistir a un grupo de conexión

Haz click aquí para dejarnos tus datos. Te llamaremos

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